Yair was a member of Kibbutz Yagur, a participant and leader in the kibbutz member division in HaNoar HaOved. While serving in the Nahal brigade, he showed remarkable leadership capabilities and independence. After the end of his service, he was called upon to direct the kibbutz member division in HaNoar HaOved.
A few years later, Yair was re-recruited to the IDF and was among the first commanders of a paratroopers unit. When a new road needed to be created in the Negev, Yair recruited his younger brother Yudke with 60 hardworking kibbutz youth for three difficult and grueling working days during their summer break.
Among the other routes that were forged under the responsibility of Yair is Maale Yaelim, which allows easier access between the Dead Sea and the Judean Desert.
After Yair's murder during navigational training, the trail's name was changed to "Maale Yair" and a monument was erected there.
Yair's story is told during one of the trips of the youth movement, as part of a leadership training course. The participants will get to know about Yair's character and hear his life story.
On Thursday we joined the memorial service for the late Yair Peled z’’l in Maale Yair in the Judean Desert.
In addition, his story is perpetuated on the "Memorial Book" website to commemorate IDF casualties who were graduates of the youth movement.