Dror Israel’s Educators’ Kibbutz in Rehovot receives certificate of appreciation
Israeli Minister of Health lauds Dror Israel’s efforts during early days of the COVID pandemic
Dror Israel marks the Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terror
Youth movement thrilled to take groups on traditional Passover hikes and camps again!
Operation Vaccinating Together Continues!
Dror Israel's Virtual Tour
Senior citizen group from Akko travels to Hula Lake
Operation Returning the Love
Dror Galil – High School of the Future midterm exhibit
Dror High School Students Visit Haifa Seniors
Midterm events at the Dror Social High Schools
Getting our hands dirty: Dror Israel celebrates Tu B’shvat
Arab Branches of Dror Israel’s Youth Movement Mobilize to Promote Vaccination in their Communities
Dror Israel Educators helping students meet face to face
Dror Israel’s Youth Movement Welcomes Ethiopian Olim
Teens and Seniors Connecting Safely During the Pandemic
Youth movement cleans and repairs Holocaust memorial monuments throughout the country
Dror Israel Creates COVID-19 Victims Memorial Website
Remembering the Murder, Fighting for Democracy
Meeting Screen to Screen: Jewish and Arab Youth LearnTogether in Innovative New Program