We, Dror Israel, believe with all our hearts in equality and shared society. We believe in the imperative of the State of Israel to be a home for the Jewish people as well as a prosperous and equal democracy for all. Our core values – democracy, equality, and peace - inform our lives and our educational work.

Escalating tensions surrounding fundamental democratic principles threaten to weaken Israel’s democracy, and increasing terror and violence have shaken the country, creating serious damage to the fabric of our society. Believing deeply in the power of dialogue and education to create change, our educators lay the foundations for peace.
We are 1300 trained educators living and working in Israel’s mixed communities. Through our schools, youth movement, and local programming, we reach tens of thousands of Israelis of all backgrounds every day. Our educators have developed innovative new programs in response to the current situation, creating vital platforms for constructive discussion.
With unwavering commitment, we will continue to educate for a more just, equal, and democratic Israel.
Dror Israel's Peace-building programs include:
Workshops in schools throughout Israel teaching teens the tools for democratic dialogue and to be leaders in preserving democracy.
Bringing Jews and Arabs together for constructive, educational encounters
Round Table discussions in cities and towns across the country which bring together people of diverse political and social backgrounds to discuss the current situation and find common ground
To stay up to date with our programs as they continue to expand- Join our mailing list.