Junior counsellors from the Kiryat Ganim branch of Dror Israel’s youth movement refuse to let COVID-19 keep them down; they are doing whatever they can to set a positive example for local kids
A group of 9th graders from the central Israeli town of Kiryat Ganim decided to step up and take responsibility in their community this summer by joining their local branch of Dror Israel's youth movement. As junior youth counselors, they will do their part to make sure kids in their town have a meaningful summer vacation and will not just be stuck at home. This group of 9th graders, calling themselves “This-is-us!”, wanted to give local children the opportunities to play, make friends and have fun in a safe environment.

The new recruits joined their local youth movement branch just under a month ago to get the proper training to become junior youth counselors next year. Next week they will attend a week-long movement leadership training course – if social-distancing restrictions allow for it. But before they depart for the training course, the group was given some hands-on experience leading activities for local kids. In the first week of July, they met the group of kids they will lead as junior counselors next year and ran activities as a part of a big event for the kids in partnership with their local elementary school.

Omer, the facilitator responsible for “This-is-us!”, turned 19 on the day of the big event. He said that watching the high schoolers he is mentoring take on leadership roles for groups of their own was “the best birthday present [he] could ask for!”
Youth leading youth is an inspiring thing that builds hope for years to come.