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Dror Israel kicks off Rabin Memorial and Democracy Month in Israel!

October is Israeli Democracy Month, and one of Dror Israel’s busiest times of year.

This month Dror Israel is spreading the message of democracy, tolerance and peace to tens of thousands of people young and old with activities commemorating the life, legacy and assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin z”l, who was murdered in 1995 during a rally in Tel Aviv in support of his program for peace with the Palestinians.

Throughout the whole month of October, the youth movement HaNaor HaOved and Meorer Educational Services (both under the Dror Israel umbrella) run day-long seminars in hundreds of schools across the country, covering the life and death of Rabin, democratic values, and discussions about dilemmas in Israeli society.

Day-long seminars in hundreds of schools across the country, covering the life and death of Rabin

The Yitzhak Rabin z”l Remembrance Tents are also erected in public places throughout the country – with the largest and flagship tent in Rabin Square in Tel Aviv. The tents present a portable exhibit about the life and death of Rabin, and challenge the visitors to take a stand and commit to strengthening Israeli democracy. In the evenings, the tents host community events with interesting speakers, performances and discussion groups connected to the topics raised by the exhibits.

The Yitzhak Rabin z”l Remembrance Tent in Jerusalem

The Rabin memorial activities culminate with the Israeli Assembly, in which tens of thousands of participants young and old from across the religious and political spectrum meet for discussion groups and talk about current dilemmas in Israeli society together, hear other opinions and have disagreements and discourse in a peaceful and respectful way. Dror Israel and its associated youth movement HaNoar HaOved organize the Israeli Assembly each year together with a large and diverse coalition of youth movements and civil society groups including Bnei Akiva (the largest Jewish religious youth movement), HaShomer HaTzair (the left-wing secular youth movement), and many more. The main Israeli Assembly will be held this year in Rabin Square on the evening of October 17th, with smaller local assemblies taking place in over 20 towns on October 14th.

The Israeli Assembly 2016

Check out our Facebook page and blog for more in-depth stories and updates about these important, exciting projects!

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