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March-May 2020

COVID-19 Pandemic in Israel

Dror Israel's Social Resilience Programs During the

Our Impact

With over 16,000 cases of Coronavirus and 270 deaths in our small country, Israel imposed severe restrictions on movement and gatherings in March 2020, including closing most workplaces and schools. While we distanced ourselves physically, it was more important than ever to stay connected and support the most vulnerable in our communities. With over 1,500 volunteers serving more than 20,000 in need, Dror Israel was the largest and most geographically-diverse, and most cost-efficient volunteer organization in Israel responding to the Coronavirus crisis!

Here are some of the projects implemented, with strict adherence to Ministry of Health regulations:

  • Caring for children of hospital workers

  • Delivering food and medicine to seniors

  • Educating students virtually

  • Volunteering on farms

  • Producing face shields for health workers

  • Visiting families of Fallen Soldiers

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We provided childcare for children of critical medical workers at eight hospitals throughout the country, all in coordination with the Ministry of Health and strict government regulations. The program ran 5 days a week 6:30am-4pm for 8 weeks.

Caring for the children of front-line hospital workers

“You came to us at a hard time for all the citizens of Israel and especially for medical workers.  We thank you for your sensitivity, for the special care that you gave to our kids, for the warm unique relationship you formed with them and for the caring atmosphere you created here.” 

  Thank you note from the parents

over 1,000 children, 200 educators, weeks, 10 hospitals 

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Supporting Our Seniors

We delivered food, medication and supplies in partnership with local authorities.
We spoke by phone one-on-one with seniors every day to combat their isolation and loneliness.

“The relationship puts me at ease.  My family is far away. I don’t have anyone to talk to or to ask for help. Now I know there is someone that I can send a text to or call and he’ll be there for me, and ask how I’m doing.”

Feya Meyvar, a senior who was assisted

6,000 seniors, 12 municipalities, 1,500 volunteers


Educating Students Through Virtual Programming

We provided on-line activities for students in our school network and for Youth Movement members. 

“I think they’ve cracked the code. These leaders showed each child personal attention, they see each one, compliment everyone, embrace and love each child. It’s clear that this is what makes kids want to take part in tasks, succeed in themת and enjoy every moment.” 

Tami Margalit, a mother to an eleven-year-old in Dror Israel's Youth Movement,
who wrote a Facebook post to show her appreciation for her kid's youth counselors

15,000 participants


Volunteering on Farms to Bolster  the Economy and Feed Our Citizens

“They’re giving their time and it’s helping us a lot because the work we are doing now is work that cannot be put off by a week. If the vines grow too much, it can be damaging.” 

Amram Ron, Farm manager at Moshav Givat Yoav

We tended fields, picking and packing produce that otherwise would not have made it to market due to lack of workers, avoiding collapse of farms and the agricultural sector.

37 farms, 900 volunteer workers


Students at Dror Galil High School Manufactured Face Shields

Our students designed and produced the face shields and other protective equipment at our school’s cutting edge Fabrication Lab and distributed them at no cost to dozens of hospitals, clinics and nursing homes throughout the country.

“I feel proud of what I’m doing, I feel that I’m giving as much as I can.”

Daniel Tal, student at Dror Galil High School of the Future

13,000 masks, 135 health centers and nursing homes
5 hospitals, 10 community health clinics, 90 nursing homes, 30 educational facilities

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Holidays and Days of Remembrance

Creative and online celebrations and ceremonies in accordance with Ministry of Health regulations for Passover, Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israeli Memorial Day, Independence Day, Lag BaOmer, Victory Day Over Nazi Germany, Ramadan, and more.

Roey Moisa, Youth Movement coordinator from Jerusalem

“During this pandemic, I felt a special need to support the bereaved families and show them that they’re not alone. I was moved to see appreciation in the eyes of family members, and I will continue coming here to hand out flowers for as long as allowed.”

Hundreds of small memorials
 were put up across the country in honor of Fallen Soldiers

over 760 youth members
distributed flowers to bereaved families, in place of the regular large gatherings and ceremonies

All of this could never have happened without our incredible partners and supporters in Israel and across the sea.  We would like to thank the municipalities, hospitals, essential workers, and government ministries who led us through this crisis.  A very warm thank you and kol hakavod (great job!) to all of the leaders and staff of each project, who dedicated their time and efforts to serve others during this difficult time. Lastly, a huge thank you to our partners in Israel, America, England and Switzerland who encouraged us throughout this period with both material and moral support. We are humbled and thrilled by the overwhelming support from around the world for communities and vulnerable populations in Israel.

Thank You

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