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For supporting us in this unprecedented year



Rinat Schachshvili

At the end of a year full of challenges and changes, we want to take a moment to thank all our supporters and donors who helped us make an impact on Israeli society as a whole.
Alongside the losses and challenges, it has also been a year of growth and development for us. We have been able to create and implement new programs to respond to developing needs and issues in Israeli society.
Much of that is thanks to your support. 

We wanted thank you for your meaningful and impactful support in

Bring the +1 to all of our campaigns

Your continued support allows us to continue doing the work we do, educating to build a more just and equal Israel - even during the ongoing COVID crisis.

Your true partner from Dror Israel

Amit Yizraeli

WhatsApp Image 2020-04-05 at
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